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Dyana Salilan

Dyana Salilan, daughter of a wealthy fishing company owner Balisado Dimamaana and his wife Sidoriaa Salilan, is often known as "a oda-'kaado di-syana di-minil" (the midwife of modern Syana). Her reign as Jaar of the nation is seen by many as one of the greatest in history due to her radical modernisation of the country as well as many policies put in place which are still in effect today.


Dyana Salilan was born in the city of Mamaana (now known as Salilan-daal), where she would live until the beginning of her political career.


Dyana Salilan became the fourth mayor of Mamaana at the age of 24 and worked for the next 7 years to make Mamaana one of the most important ports in the country.


Dyana Salilan was voted into the baa di-o'galo as part of the recently formed aasa galo and so moved to the capital Janaa-daal, where she would meet her husband Gimansaara Mokosaado a year later.


On the 5th of January, Dyana gave birth to her first son Aran Salilan and decided to retire from the baa di-o'galo so that she could instead run in the election that took place in the summer. She would prove succesful in this venture and became on of the 8 members of the baa-di-syana. During her time in this council she developed a close friendship with Idana Janaa, the heir to the Jaar at the time.


When Idana Janaa ascended to the position of Jaar upon their father's death, they appointed Dyana Salilan as their Jaar Isala. Dyana would keep this position through the entirety of Idana's reign.


By the winter of 1922 it had become clear that Idana Janaa was not fit to rule Syana. Throughout the next year Dyana Salilan's relationship with Idana due to the Jaar neglecting their duties as head-of-state and instead using their status and wealth to host elaborate parties.


As a difficult and challenging year for Syan politics came to an end, Dyana Salilan and other high-up members of the government realised that the situation could not continue any longer. On the first of January 1924, Dyana Salilan called for an election of no confidence. The vote was succesful and Idana Janaa was deposed as Jaar, ending the 41-year Janaa dynasty.

This meant that Dyana would ascend to the throne aged 41, making her family the new royal dynasty.


Mamaana officially became the capital upon Dyana's ascension, however it would take a year for the city to be renamed to its present-day name Salilan-daal. The position of the city as the nation's largest port meant it had already become one of the most populous places in Syana before it even became capital, but after the change in status the city's population grew at an even faster rate than before. Even in modern times, Salilan-daal is still the second most populated Syan city.


Due to complications in childbirth, Dyana's fourth child died stillborn. Upon learning that hopsitals across Syana were understaffed and not many citizens could afford the fees to study at a university to become a doctor, the Jaar decided she would make all education free for everyone. During this time, she also made it a legal requirement for there to be a hopsital in every place with more than 10,000 residents.


The historic "law for a right to health" was created. This cemented free-healthcare (a policy that had been in place for nearly 30 years) as a right for every citizen for all time. This meant that no future Jaar would ever be able to overturn this law without avote from the public.


For several years, Syana had been repeatedly questioned over its controversial refusal to break neutrality and join WW2. On the 19th of September, Dyana Salilan gave her now-iconic "observing islands speech". She declared Syana was a nation of peace and far removed from the conflicts of the rest of the world, adressing the questioning of her morals by asking why hundeds or thousands of innocent Syan people should die for the horrors of a man on the other side of the world.

This speech is in modern times cited as the moment in which the world recognised the position of Syana upon the global stage: a poweful and large nation who vowed never to drag themselves into other peoples' wars.


At the age of 68 Dyana Salilan died of cancer, after ruling over Syana as Jaar for 27 years. Her time as head-of-state and her desire for Syana to become a modern power led to many technical innovations as well as a financial golden-age. By the time of her death Syana was a globally well-known nation, having significant trade relations with many major countries. She was suceeded by her first son Aran Salilan, who mourned the death of his mother by constructing a large and ornate mosoleum in the newly renamed aalaasina-di-goa di-Dyana-so (the largest cemetary in the country).

This mosoleum is still visited by Syan people who wish to pay respects to the great Jaar, even in the modern day.

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